How to Ensure that Your Child is Victorious!
Now that’s what we all desire… to have children who successfully live their best life! I know all caring parents would love to know that they’ve done their best in contributing to this outcome. It’s not out of reach. This really can be your story and here’s a tool to help you realize that goal.
In chapter 3 of his book “The Fourth Dimension”, Dr. David Yonggi Cho referenced a conversation he had with one of Korea’s leading neurosurgeons who told about a recent finding regarding various operations of the brain. He asked, “Dr. Cho, did you know that the speech center in the brain rules over all the nerves?”. He continued, “…according to our recent findings in neurology, the speech center in the brain has total dominion over all the other nerves.” Dr. Cho laughed and said “I’ve known that for a long time.” Of course the neurosurgeon was surprised and Dr. Cho explained that he had read the writings of “Dr. James” from a very old and recognized book. He paraphrased him by saying, “the tongue is the least member of the body, but it can bridle (control) the whole body.”
The book Dr. Cho referenced has much to say about how our own words create and affect our lives. It is a compilation of several books penned by numerous persons, written over a vast span of time – and even though there may be hundreds of years between the dates some books were written, all authors agree that our words are very powerful and should be used skillfully.
This book is the Bible and it is my standard for truth; however, whether you’re a believer of the Bible or not, as the neurosurgeon expressed – this is valuable information. So please continue to read if you’d like to ensure that you help your child create a mindset of victory and successfully live their best life.
How can you help them using this information? Well, let’s go back to the neurosurgeon.
The neurosurgeon continued their conversation by saying that the speech nerve center has such power over all the body that simply speaking can give one control over his body to manipulate it in the way he wishes. One of the examples he gave is if someone continually says, ‘Well, I have no ability – I can’t do this job, then right away all the nerves begin to declare the same thing. ‘Yes, they respond, we received instructions from the central nervous system saying that we have no abilities. So give up striving to develop any capability, we must prepare ourselves to become a part of an incapable person.’
Another example and proof of how our words create and affect our lives is the story of Desmond who was healed of autism. His mother taught him to repeatedly say “I am healed” to replace his ongoing repetition of “I am Desmond”. Here’s his amazing story.
Since our central nervous system and our whole body obeys what we continually speak, teach your children to say things like the affirmation below often – so often that this way of thinking and talking replaces anything negative. I know you already speak positively regarding your children, so continue to do so. Speak to them and about them just as if the positive thing you’re expecting has occurred. Remember Desmond’s story and what the neurosurgeon said happened when they observed persons’ outcomes as they repeatedly said certain things… the person received the positive or negative outcome about which they kept speaking. So – ONLY say that your child has what you’d like for them to have and ONLY say that your child does what you’d like for them to do, etc.
As our daughter says – “I could go on”, but I must end. We’ll surely meet around this subject again. 🙂
Prayer/Confession/Affirmation: I honor my parents and everything goes well with me. My parents raise me with wisdom, good training, discipline, guidance and caution that will help shape the productive, successful, prosperous life planned for me.
I LIKE this successful, productive, prosperous life and I TAKE it and LIVE it – long, healthy and strong!
(And I say with you) – In Jesus’ Name, Amen!