Testimonial : G. 

All my life I have always tried to do things on my own. I never asked for help from anyone or told anyone about my problems. Whenever I went go through tough times, God was the last thing on my mind. Any time something would happen, I would just bottle it up inside of me. As time went on, it became harder and harder to keep things to myself as my problems became larger and larger.

Eventually, I began to tell my parents about them. It felt better to not keep everything to myself; but I still did not feel complete. I was still not going to God with my problems. I felt no need to because I thought every problem I had could be fixed by me or just disappear. I found out soon that I could not solve all of my problems. A medical concern I had last summer changed my way of thinking.

One day I woke up and felt some swelling in my neck, which usually happens around allergy season, so I didn’t think much of it because it usually disappeared in about two weeks. However, this time the swelling lasted much longer. After a month of waiting, my mom took me to a doctor to get it checked out. The results were more serious than we had expected. The doctor said that he needed to remove the lump from my neck because I could have cancer. If I had gone through with the procedure, it would have interfered with my important college baseball camps coming up so I was in a very tough dilemma. My parents and I wanted to wait a little longer to see if the swelling would go down so the doctor told us to meet him again in three weeks.

That day, I was given a personal prayer to recite every day. I was afraid for my life and I knew I needed God’s help. I prayed every day and every night for God to heal me. When I went back to the doctor, he said that the swelling had gone down a few centimeters but we needed to keep watching it because if it got any larger, I would have to have surgery. I continued to pray as much as I could.

A few months later, I looked in the mirror and realized the lump was no longer noticeable in my neck. Also, all the symptoms that I had been feeling were gone. I put my hand up to my neck and felt nothing. The lump was gone and God had done His work. I ran into my parents’ room and told them the great news and we all praised God and celebrated the wonderful news. Now I go to him with every problem I have and know there is nothing too big that He can’t handle.

The word of God is living and powerful, a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

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