Endorsement : Kathy Ireland
Former Supermodel and Current Founder and CEO of the Kathy Ireland Worldwide Brand

In my life, I’ve never written a foreword to a book. I’ve been approached many times and the answer was always no. Not out of lack of respect or love for the authors, but because I believe whoever wrote the book or helped develop the book should write the foreword.

This circumstance, this book and its author Rhonda Holmes are exceptions to all of my usual boundaries. I don’t believe in “Diet books”; however, there could never be too much of a diet when it comes to God’s word. The scriptures that Rhonda uses as the basis for her powerful prayers are inspiring to everyone.

God is great. God is faithful. God is Love. So often, we tremble and we are uncertain about how to approach our Lord and Savior. We don’t ever need to worry about perfection in prayer. These prayers from Rhonda’s heart will find themselves living in your heart. They give voice to the connection we feel with the Lord.

Rhonda and her husband Tracy are two powerful extraordinary human beings. Their belief in Jesus Christ is the foundation of their lives and their family.

I am so grateful to them for allowing me to be a small part of The Word Diet. I believe it’s the only Diet that has meaning and truly works. Diets come to an end, this one is for eternity.

These 30 days of faith encourage you to practice the only real truth…scripture. I believe in the power of bible study and please keep your bible close as you experience these 30 days of faith. This is a diet that may never leave your life.

 May God bless you and hold you close as you practice each day of this program.


With love,
kathy ireland

WORD Diet Sample

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