Testimonial : Louis 

I’d been looking at potentially moving to Oakland, California from the time my girlfriend and I went to visit the city while she did her residency program interviews. We both loved it out there and figured she would rank the programs at the top of her list once she graduated med school. I told my manager about the potential move a few months later.  Both he and the manager for the West Coast were supportive and open to transferring me to work in Oakland if it came down to that. My girlfriend ended up getting her #1 ranked program in Oakland as well as a scholarship the next month!  At the same time, my work situation changed when my company acquired a competitor and the staff that came with it. All of a sudden the territory that I was supposed to transfer to was no longer available.

There were several developments after that, but long story short the territory became available again, it looked like the company would have a replacement for me in Maryland, and I would be getting confirmation on the transfer and official start date in California by the end of April. The month ended and I was still being told to wait to see what the company would decide for me. 

The last week of the month of May came. My girlfriend had to start her program and be living in Oakland in 3 weeks, stuff was already on a moving van, we’d found an apartment for her to live in, but I was now being told by my employer that I was not going to be transferred. They’d apparently decided that instead of transferring me, they wanted to hire someone brand new who was already familiar with the area. On top of that, I was being pressured by management to resign as opposed to waiting to see if I would be let go with some sort of severance package. We had already been praying and thanking God in advance for what he had in store for me, but I also began to work on and meditate on the God assignment prayer my mom had forwarded me from you. On June 1st, the VP of sales at my company called me directly to speak with me about the situation and said he had overturned the decision not to transfer me and instead wanted me to start in California as soon as possible AND inherit the book of business and the commission that comes with it that already exists there! 

I’m still continuing to meditate on my God assignment as I’m sure He didn’t make all this happen for me to just move to Oakland to do the same things I’ve been doing in Maryland. I’m super grateful to you for your help and prayers as well as the encouragement and spiritual support I’ve received from so many other people throughout this 4 month period of ambiguity! All glory be to God!

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